2008 ’s fading.Shit,hope i ’ll make it!
In the year of 2000 and 8 the usual suspect managed several things which are pretty summed up in this blog-ish kind of composition.
[oh,sometimes I get so tired of this 3rd-person thing,but otherwise i like it, it makes me look GOOD]
First things,first.
LOADS of thanks to my family and friends,i wouldn't have made it without you.
Now,this was my last school year and i had a pretty sweet time there.All those funny things happening inside the school area,which now are things of the past and memories,i ll probably miss them.[hopefully not very soon though...]
Also,the age of innocence is finished.Done.In the past.Fin.What more can I say, i feel overwhelmed by this sudden rush of responsibilities.
But hey,i wore the costume after all.
This is where i feel like mentioning the friends,pals,brothers whatever,the people helping me through.The friendship-circle has surely changed in the past year,with people jumping in and out of it.There are those who simply cant even be called "friends" anymore,the bloody bastards[but hey,that's their problem,isn't it?] and on the other hand there are those who burst into my life and i m so PROUD to refer to them as "friends".
With some of really close friends,there has been a wide range of emotions.Both good and bad.
The over-the-lake and through-the-internet relationship can't help being mentioned.Its been a pretty new experience and actually helped this 2008 review.Hope i ll never use skype and stick to the old and traditional way of communication.Emails.
YEAH,YEAH!I don't forget!All of you friends having a hard time with your exams and all,I hope for the BEST!!GIVE EM HELL BOYS AND GIRLS![there surely be a HUUUGE party after wards,so keep your spirits high]
In the year of 2008 some trips filled with adventures,which shook things up a little, were made.
Above all those,Amsterdam.Its the REAL thing.No comments.
There's also Salonika.Where i haven't been yet.Although all the preparations were made I had to abandon the plan[twice].So that's the new deal:in 2009 i have to get to this fuckin' city up in the North.
And Patra.Always a favorite,especially in the summer,where we had some fun...*Missing Memory*Also,the age of innocence is finished.Done.In the past.Fin.What more can I say, i feel overwhelmed by this sudden rush of responsibilities.
But hey,i wore the costume after all.
This is where i feel like mentioning the friends,pals,brothers whatever,the people helping me through.The friendship-circle has surely changed in the past year,with people jumping in and out of it.There are those who simply cant even be called "friends" anymore,the bloody bastards[but hey,that's their problem,isn't it?] and on the other hand there are those who burst into my life and i m so PROUD to refer to them as "friends".
With some of really close friends,there has been a wide range of emotions.Both good and bad.
The over-the-lake and through-the-internet relationship can't help being mentioned.Its been a pretty new experience and actually helped this 2008 review.Hope i ll never use skype and stick to the old and traditional way of communication.Emails.
YEAH,YEAH!I don't forget!All of you friends having a hard time with your exams and all,I hope for the BEST!!GIVE EM HELL BOYS AND GIRLS![there surely be a HUUUGE party after wards,so keep your spirits high]
In the year of 2008 some trips filled with adventures,which shook things up a little, were made.
Above all those,Amsterdam.Its the REAL thing.No comments.
There's also Salonika.Where i haven't been yet.Although all the preparations were made I had to abandon the plan[twice].So that's the new deal:in 2009 i have to get to this fuckin' city up in the North.
Other Stuff[Dunno if you give a damn,i just had to mention
I managed to get into the damn Uni.Things look pretty shitty there though.Hope i ll make it though....
Spent,dunno,like ZILLIONS hours on the internet.Still found no end of this damn thing.Now I can argue on the subject of it being the greatest human invention.
Refreshed and reloaded the arsenal.It cost money,sweat,tears and LOTS of hard work.And i mean LOTS.
Lived alone for a while.Turned out pretty decent.Although i was working to keep things going and it was I that had to do all the laundry and cleaning.GOOD TIMES.
Should NOT forget Patrick Ogunsoto,the famous Ergotelis player.[Σήμερα ίζολ,3 βαθμό πρέπει πάρει Εργκοτέλης.Το ντώζε μας το ένα,το έτσι πενάλτυ το ΟΦΗ,ντεν ήτανε πενάλτυ,το ντώζει πενάλτυ.Τελευταίο λεπτό τιώσει πενάλτυ,εγώ δε δώσμε το ντε...,το ντιεστιστής.Πότς γένεν αυτό;]
Created like a million paper ships.I don't know how it started,but it surely became an addiction.Anything,from exam papers to train tickets has been turned into ships.From now on,and hopefully through 2009 as well,i 've decided to keep those little paper things and dunno,maybe sometime count them or even give them names.Just DO something with those little devils.
Speaking of addictions in 2008 i did like thousands of survey on Myspace.I know it probably was a total waste of time but i surely enjoyed doing some of them.NOW its time for a big announcement.*hem,hem* In 2009 the survey production will be ceased and surveys will be posted ONLY if their worth it-or i just feel like doing them
[lots of thanks to those of you who read those,still wonder why you did it though
Finally grew some quality facial hair,which i m pretty proud of.
I have to admit it,although it's the 2000's,a good book will never lose its' value.All those French and Russian thinkers writing before the beginning of the century are the ones who shaped it.Face it.READ BOOKS.[Literature might be a fancy word,but what it stands for is A LOT fancier.]
Watched some groovy gigs,honored booze and what it stands for,found some places to feel like home when outside,explored the brain from the inside.
Some things tasted good,others were kinda bitter.Surely some broadened the horizon and others brought the world down.
Spent,dunno,like ZILLIONS hours on the internet.Still found no end of this damn thing.Now I can argue on the subject of it being the greatest human invention.
Refreshed and reloaded the arsenal.It cost money,sweat,tears and LOTS of hard work.And i mean LOTS.
Lived alone for a while.Turned out pretty decent.Although i was working to keep things going and it was I that had to do all the laundry and cleaning.GOOD TIMES.
Should NOT forget Patrick Ogunsoto,the famous Ergotelis player.[Σήμερα ίζολ,3 βαθμό πρέπει πάρει Εργκοτέλης.Το ντώζε μας το ένα,το έτσι πενάλτυ το ΟΦΗ,ντεν ήτανε πενάλτυ,το ντώζει πενάλτυ.Τελευταίο λεπτό τιώσει πενάλτυ,εγώ δε δώσμε το ντε...,το ντιεστιστής.Πότς γένεν αυτό;]
Created like a million paper ships.I don't know how it started,but it surely became an addiction.Anything,from exam papers to train tickets has been turned into ships.From now on,and hopefully through 2009 as well,i 've decided to keep those little paper things and dunno,maybe sometime count them or even give them names.Just DO something with those little devils.
Speaking of addictions in 2008 i did like thousands of survey on Myspace.I know it probably was a total waste of time but i surely enjoyed doing some of them.NOW its time for a big announcement.*hem,hem* In 2009 the survey production will be ceased and surveys will be posted ONLY if their worth it-or i just feel like doing them
Finally grew some quality facial hair,which i m pretty proud of.
I have to admit it,although it's the 2000's,a good book will never lose its' value.All those French and Russian thinkers writing before the beginning of the century are the ones who shaped it.Face it.READ BOOKS.[Literature might be a fancy word,but what it stands for is A LOT fancier.]
Watched some groovy gigs,honored booze and what it stands for,found some places to feel like home when outside,explored the brain from the inside.
Some things tasted good,others were kinda bitter.Surely some broadened the horizon and others brought the world down.
Art also pulled its way though 2008.
A MOTHERLOAD of new things that inspiration was drawn from,classical pieces of art which made my [long at the time] hair to stuck up on end, and of course anime.
Anime.Those damn Japanese fuckers are pretty amazing.They are.Well there was this one,really special anime-series now liying real close to the heart,FLCL.For that i give two thumbs up to Japan.AMAZING![Tokyo rocks too though.And of course Dragonball will always be my Bible.]
I watched some decent movies this year too.I really got into the splatter,horror-comedy thing.Pretty sick
.Lately i saw the Guy Ritchie films which were pretty decent.Reminded me a lot of the Tarantino films,which is can't be but a good thing.
Also a SHITLOAD of the so-called "products of ours" was created.Shame some things didn't turn out the way they were supposed to,hope things will reverse in 2009.Anyway,some of those "products of ours" will sometime be displayed to the very delicate audience of the internet,hopefully sometime in 2009.
Anime.Those damn Japanese fuckers are pretty amazing.They are.Well there was this one,really special anime-series now liying real close to the heart,FLCL.For that i give two thumbs up to Japan.AMAZING![Tokyo rocks too though.And of course Dragonball will always be my Bible.]
I watched some decent movies this year too.I really got into the splatter,horror-comedy thing.Pretty sick
Also a SHITLOAD of the so-called "products of ours" was created.Shame some things didn't turn out the way they were supposed to,hope things will reverse in 2009.Anyway,some of those "products of ours" will sometime be displayed to the very delicate audience of the internet,hopefully sometime in 2009.
Now some future plans:
After spending quality time reading blogs and discussing the subject with friends,i finally decided to start my own blog in which thoughts,pictures and other geeky stuff will be posted.
Some new trips and adventures for 2009 include the U.K. and more specifically London and Leeds.Hopefully Kingston as well.Cant forget Thessaloniki as well.And if i m reeeally lucky some of the U.S. around the summer would be SWEEEEEEET.
Really i m so looking forward to the new year but when i think of it,i cant help but to underestimate things.Nothing changes really and i feel great shame in saying those things.Shit will happen and it's mostly us,young people who will have to face it and be left alone staring at the oncoming avalanche...
The driving license would come also pretty handy at the moment.It gives a different perspective to things,the way I look at them.
Maybe do some part time job.Earn some money,fix some broken stuff.Or just have some more beer.
Some dj-sets with friends would be *a*w*e*s*o*m*e*!Tunes we all like and a crowd to entertain,that's something i 'd dig.
Find some new places to hang out.Not saying the old ones aren't good enough,but some change is well needed.
In 2009 i would be reeeaaaally pleased if i could just for once STOP killing humor.I mean like,people should be in jail for it,in JAIL!And i m still out of it...
[Here i go again.Done it again.Killed humor once more.Witnes Death of Humor Pt.56425-Hopefully the last for 2008...]
Some new trips and adventures for 2009 include the U.K. and more specifically London and Leeds.Hopefully Kingston as well.Cant forget Thessaloniki as well.And if i m reeeally lucky some of the U.S. around the summer would be SWEEEEEEET.
Really i m so looking forward to the new year but when i think of it,i cant help but to underestimate things.Nothing changes really and i feel great shame in saying those things.Shit will happen and it's mostly us,young people who will have to face it and be left alone staring at the oncoming avalanche...
The driving license would come also pretty handy at the moment.It gives a different perspective to things,the way I look at them.
Maybe do some part time job.Earn some money,fix some broken stuff.Or just have some more beer.
Some dj-sets with friends would be *a*w*e*s*o*m*e*!Tunes we all like and a crowd to entertain,that's something i 'd dig.
Find some new places to hang out.Not saying the old ones aren't good enough,but some change is well needed.
In 2009 i would be reeeaaaally pleased if i could just for once STOP killing humor.I mean like,people should be in jail for it,in JAIL!And i m still out of it...
[Here i go again.Done it again.Killed humor once more.Witnes Death of Humor Pt.56425-Hopefully the last for 2008...]
Okay,that's it, i m done.
I wish you all the BEST,to you,your friends and family!
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